The Soong Sisters

The Soong Sisters



    • Chia sẽ:

     Nội dung phim

    The Soong family was a political dynasty in China that reached the highest levels of power. This film follows the lives of the three Soong daughters, who were educated in America and returned to China. Ai-ling married a wealthy and powerful businessman. Ching-ling married Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary founder of modern China. Mei-ling married Chiang Kai-shek, China's leader during World War II. The sisters captured the world's fascination for their brilliant marriages and their strong influence on their nation.

     Tác phẩm của cùng một diễn viên

     Người nổi tiếng có thể trượt sang trái và phải
    • Maggie Cheung
    • Michelle Yeoh
    • Vivian Wu
    • Winston Chao
    • Niu Zhen-Hua
    • Elaine Jin
    • Jiang Wen
    • Wu Hsing-Guo
    • Liu Jin
    • Agnes Chan Mei-Ling

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